HAPPY FAMILY – Chiến dịch Trái tim Xanh 2022

Quay lại Tin tức


15 September, 2020

As we model in building peaceful and loving relationships, our children will feel more secure and loved. Positive language, positive listening, and empathy help maintain a peaceful and happy home environment in times of stress.

1. We are role models of children

• The way we talk and behave in front of others also greatly affect our children’s behavior!

• Try to be kind with everyone in the family, adults and children

• Negative use of language by adults at home can have a negative impact on children •

The more we display patterns of loving, peaceful relationships with our children, the more safe and loved children will feel.

2. Use positive language. This really works!

• Tell the person what you want them to do instead of saying what you don’t want them to do: Instead of “Don’t shout”, try: “Please speak softly”

• Compliments make others feel valued and feel good about themselves. Simple words like “Thanks for cleaning dinner”, or “thank you for taking care of the baby” can make a big difference.

3. Do good deeds together as a family

• Each day, a family member takes turns choosing an activity for the whole family

• Find ways to spend quality time with your spouse and other family adults!

4. Be an active listener and empathy

• Listen to the other person while you talk. • Be open and let the other person know you are listening to what they have to say

• Be able to summarize what you heard before answering: “What you just said is …”

5. Share responsibility

• Taking care of children and other family members is hard work, but shared responsibility becomes much easier.

• Try to share housework, childcare and other duties fairly among family members.

• Create a schedule for “work” and “rest” time with other adults in the family

• You can ask for help when you feel tired or stressed so you can rest

6. Feeling stressed or angry?

• Take a 10-second pause. Breathe in and out five times slowly. Then try to answer in a more calm manner. Millions of parents said this was EXTREMELY helpful

• Pause when you feel an argument is about to happen and go to another room or go outside if possible

• See more tips on the “When you get angry” and “Calm and Manage stress” pages.

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